Thursday, April 10, 2008

*~Number 10 Post~*

We are finally done. Yay! Not that I did not enjoy this class. I actually believe that it has been one of the only classes at Florida State that I feel will benefit me in so many ways. I can actually apply the information that I learn into every aspect of my life. Technology is a big deal. I learned this through the many times when I just wanted to give up. My friend Margaret was a LIFESAVER in this class for me. She is going to make a great teacher because of her patience and understanding. SAM was absolutely insane. Whoever came up with that program is really smart, but really crazy. I realized that the SAM tests and skill checks actually helped understand the programs better. The wording was a little confusing, but I do believe that it will benefit me in the future. I was just accepted into the Early Childhood Education major and I could not be happier. With this I feel that I am on my way to becoming something I have always wanted to do. I love children with a passion and I feel that The Lord has blessed me with patience that sometimes even I do not understand. I love to be creative and I am just so excited.

Alright, now back to what I am supposed to be talking about..hehe! I feel that the program I will be using most will be Microsoft Power Point. That is the best way to give a linear or non-linear presentation and I feel that for giving instructions to a bunch of young children, you can make it exciting and get them involved with what they are learning. The other program that I enjoyed was the Imagination concept maps. That was just a very fun program that made making charts and diagrams fun and easy. Technology is such a wonderful thing. I cannot imagine the programs and various other things that will be out by the time that I have my classroom. While reading everyone's blog entries, I realized something that made me feel A LOT better. Each person struggled with many of the concepts just like me and it gave me great relief.

At first, I was getting very nervous about what my future was going to bring. I knew that I just needed to give it to The Lord, but I could not stop being anxious. When I got that letter of acceptance, I knew that was the door He had opened for me. Thank you Mr. Gentile for your support and willingness to help with all the many questions. I hope all you guys have a very successful future and maybe we can keep in touch on this blogger thing.....well maybe not! :)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

*~Number 9 Post~*

This class has for sure been an experience. One thing that makes me really glad is the fact that the material in this class is actually going to help me in my future career. Every class that I have taken, besides my education courses drives me crazy because I feel like I am wasting time away. In this class we learned many programs that I know are going to help me. I now know how to fly through Microsoft Power Point and I know how to do Excel pretty well. How great is that?!? The length of the class was one factor that I would have wanted to change. I felt very drained by the time the class was through and wanted to forget about the class for a while.

Mr. Gentile was probably the best teacher I have had in a while. He worked with every students schedule and never made anyone feel dumb. I felt very comfortable to ask any question that I needed to. The small classroom was very helpful, because he was able to take more individual time with us. He explained each topic very thoroughly and I really enjoyed his personality.

This class has reshaped my view of the teaching career in a positive way. I am so ready to become a teacher for my own classroom and make up new assignments and activities for my future classroom. This was a wonderful class, like I said earlier and I feel much more prepared for my future career and students. WooHoo! :)