Tuesday, March 18, 2008

*~Chapter 8 Post~*

I found Chapter 8 to be interesting, but kind of boring all at the same time. The fact that it explained the signs of viruses on your computer and the various security issues and ethics was a very helpful tool for people who know little about technology. On page 471, there is a table that I found to be very informative, because it displayed the many signs of virus infection on your computer. This was good to me, because one time at my Aunt Jan's house, a virus took over her computer and she had to stay on the phone for 4 hours trying to figure out how to fix the problem. A virus is a very serious matter, because it can not only be a frustration, it can wipe out your entire database, with all your documents and programs. What a bummer!!!

I suggest all of you guys to go look at page 473, because there is an awesome table that displays Safe Computing Tips. We all need to learn more about that I am sure. There are so many ways in which a haker can break into your computer and destroy everything that you possess. The computer can be a very time saving devise, but it is scary just how fast things can be lost or destroyed. This chapter not only taught me what to look for when a virus or haker has messed with your computer, but it also taught the ways in which to be safe.

As a future educator, this chapter was very helpful because in the future, I am sure that most of the students information will be in the computer, instead of in hard copy. Learning these techniques will help me to prevent any possible problems and make my career that much less of a stress. I hope you guys learned some things, so that we can discuss and help each other out. I also hope everyone had a great Spring Break. See you Wednesday! :)

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